TAS News

A Note from TAS President Heather Strong

I hope you’re all keeping well and reasonably sane in these extraordinary times!

As we have had to postpone the AGM I would like to say a very big thank you via the website to Stuart Fowle, Hilary Tosdevin and Wendy Vlasto who are all leaving the committee after many years of dedication and hard work. Stuart stepped up with some trepidation to take on the role of Chairman when we so suddenly and sadly lost Hazel-Anne, he has filled the role very successfully and can look back on a job really well done, thank you Stuart! Hilary and Wendy have also put in many, many hours on our behalf and have been an absolute boon to the Society….thank you so much to you both!

I’m delighted that Phil Belsham has come forward to be our new Chairman, very many thanks Phil….he will be Acting Chairman until we can properly vote him in, but I know that will happen in due course and the whole Society will support him, very best wishes Phil.

Wishing all of you all the best, and looking forward hopefully to easier times,
