New media/medium or other creative activity
Now that some of us who are not key workers or have been furloughed, thought it would be interesting to see if our members had been taking up new creative activities during the Covid-19 lockdown (2020).
Ainslie, has been doing the usual of more gardening and working on the allotment, and finding time to pick up colour pencils again.

Fay has been getting back to drawing and finding how to use pencils in pencil holders.

Another member, Linda, who is a chorister has been keeping her voice by walking around and doing voice warm ups. When not doing that, also rebuilding a rockery, picking up on old unfinished art works and some yoga.
Lola has been working on 3D art and produced these 2 wonderful Rabbit figures from paper mache.

Hilary, our current Vice-Chairman has been keeping busy… At the moment with the weather being as it is I have not taken up a pencil, pen or paintbrush in anger!! I have however, tried to sit down at the piano for 20 mins or so a day to try and get back into playing. I have a second hand drum kit in the summer house which I have tried out a couple of times, look forward to getting into learning that as well.