Catherine Beale Watercolour Workshop – “Pinstripes and Patchworks”
- Saturday 14th October 2023
- Uplowman Village Hall 10am to 4pm
I paint a little differently from some and participants often tell me that my techniques help them to loosen up their watercolours – using wet-in-wet “gravity painting” to create atmosphere – as well as keep colours clean through mixing on the page rather than in the palette. I often use rigid artboard which can take lots of water and also allows for “lifting-off” or washing colour off, with subtle results. I work from my hillside studio just south of Bath and show with the Society of Women Artists as well as being hung with the Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolour as well as the Royal Watercolour Society.
Subject: The workshop will be based on my ploughed field painting “Pinstripes and Patchworks”. Participants can then paint along with me in a step-by-step format.” Catherine Beale
Source image can be supplied or participants can use their own on subject of ploughed fields.
A3 Watercolour Art Board will be supplied by TAS. Please bring other materials and lunch!
Cost £35 Payment due by 1 September. Sign up in response to the “Workshop Alert” email from the Workshop Organisers (subscribers), or at a monthly TAS meeting or email