Flowers by Julie Dunster

“Flowers in the Frame” with Julie Dunster Workshop

Saturday 9th March 2024 at Uplowman Village Hall, 10am to 4pm

This is essentially a workshop in oils and Julie will be demonstrating and teaching using traditional oils. However you can paint in acrylics should you prefer using a retarder to slow down drying.

In the morning … drawing, tonal sketch, colour mixing notes followed by a full colour painting of daffodils.

We will be using a viewfinder for composition and learning techniques to see negative spaces.
We will also focus on light and shade and appropriate colour mixing.
Please bring own lunch. Teas, Coffees etc. will be provided.

Cost £35 payable in advance. Sign up in response to the “Workshop Alert” email from the Workshop Organisers (subscribers), or at a monthly TAS meeting or email

BACS to TAS NatWest Bank: Reference “Workshop 1/24” Sort Code: 52-30-42. A/no. 43744192 Title: TIVERTON ART SOCIETY (business account) Cheques should be made payable to Tiverton Art Society and sent to: Mrs J. Utting, Chullapark, Roachill, South Molton, Devon EX36 4EB. Please write on the back of the cheque “Workshop 1/24”.