Example art work from Celia Olssen
members meetings

May 2022 members meeting

On Wednesday 11 May, TAS was very fortunate to have as their guest speaker Celia Olssen (https://www.celiaolssonartist.co.uk/).

Celia gave us a wonderful and information packed demonstration of ‘Watercolour with mixed media’.

I’m not a watercolour artist, But I still found this demonstration to be very interesting and thought provoking.

Celia used a large number of materials, and she has kindly supplied a list of items used, see below.


  • White – Daler Rowney
  • Clear – Winsor & Newton

Uses: To create texture for tree trunks, on top of collage rocks, pressing leaves into, press acetate onto and peel back to reveal scrubby vegetation/tree branches.

Texture Media

  • Liquitex – Glaeria and other makes
  • Natural sand
  • Glass beads

Uses: to add texture on landscape, buildings.

Acrylic Inks

  • FW
  • Liquitex

Uses: Good for first washes as it won’t lift when dry.

Indian Ink

  • Various makes

Uses: Wet on wet or on dry then spray to create spidery/branch like marks.

Inktense pencils and blocks

  • Derwent

Uses: To draw then wet for intense colour as an alternative to watercolours. Rub over dry texture gesso and spray for tree canopy and scrubby vegetation.

Pastels (both sorts)

  • Many makes

Uses: To add final spots of colour. Oil pastel, or wax crayon, act as resist.

Strong tea

  • Tea
  • Coffee
  • Stewed berry juice
  • Turmeric

Uses: As a wet base for Indian ink.

Watercolour ground

  • Schminke
  • Daniel Smith

Uses: helps Watercolour take to non-watercolour papers.

When using gesso and collage I recommend using a heavier paper, at least 250lbs/535gsm. You can use mountboard or even cardboard but size first with gesso.

Suggested suppliers