Owen Williams “Seascapes” Workshop
19th August 10am to 4pm, Heathcoat Community Centre, Tiverton
Following Owen Williams exciting demo of a landscape last January, he’s going to show us how to paint a seascape … the Owen Williams way! This should be fun!!!
When I tell people that I teach painting and drawing the most commonly heard statement is ‘oh I can’t draw…! It would be wasted on me!’ However I think if you can write then you can draw. It’s not always about reproducing a photographic likeness, it’s about your interpretation and I think it’s my job to help my students to find their way of interpreting what they see or feel and learn how to discard any concerns about what other people may or may not think about it.
Owen Williams
Cost £35 Payable in advance. Sign up in response to the “Workshop Alert” email from the Workshop Organisers (subscribers), or at a monthly TAS meeting or email info@tivertonartsociety.co.uk
BACS to TAS NatWest Bank: Reference “Workshop 3/23” Sort Code: 52-30-42. A/no. 43744192 Title: TIVERTON ART SOCIETY (business account) Cheques should be made payable to Tiverton Art Society and sent to: Mrs J. Utting, Chullapark, Roachill, South Molton, Devon EX36 4EB. Please write on the back of the cheque “Workshop 3/23”.