When: Saturday 1st October 2022, 10am to 4pm
Where: Heathcoat Community Centre, Tiverton
This is a workshop in pastels led by talented artist Alexandra Lavizzari, for those new to pastels and those wanting to produce bird/animal pictures that fly/jump off the page!
Cost £30 payable in advance by BACS to NatWest Bank Sort Code: 52-30-42. A/no. 43744192 TIVERTON ART SOCIETY (business account) or post cheque to Mrs J Utting, Chullapark, Roachill, South Molton, Devon EX36 4EB payable Tiverton Art Society
To put your name on the list email info@tivertonartsociety.com for a place.
You can see Alexandra’s work over on her website: https://www.lavizzari-art.com/paintings